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Many of the largest companies in the world build their business’ on Data.  We believe building data is highly underutilized, and with SkySpark we can uncover the value of your buildings data.  SkySpark has been proven to provide an average financial payback of less than one year, while increasing occupancy comfort, and system safety and reliability.  Get in touch today to see what SkySpark can do for your organization.

Why SkySpark by GMC Commissioning?

Not all MBCx programs are built the same.  Some providers use the Building Management System (BMS), or old school spreadsheets to “monitor” and assess your building operations.  At GMC Commissioning, we have spent years customizing a software system which becomes the brain for your building – SkySpark Analytics.


GMC Cx is a SkySpark certified developer with millions of square feet of buildings actively being managed.  We have custom, in-house developed algorithms to perform automated testing, fault detection and reporting. By integrating SkySpark we provide 100% testing of all HVAC and control systems.  The powerful historical trend data analysis also allows us to prove persistent, stable operation and building performance, not just at a single point in time. 


We provide custom SkySpark applications including:


  • Dedicated data import and database management tools

  • Machine learning performance baseline modeling

  • Extensive libraries of rule-based and predictive analytics for systems, equipment, and spaces

  • Tracking of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

  • HVAC load and capacity analysis

  • Maintenance tickets with troubleshooting suggestions

  • Utility billing and customer management tools

  • Energy analysis and dashboarding

  • Financial summaries including cost savings and return of investment

What is SkySpark?

SkySpark is an open analytics platform from SkyFoundry that automatically analyzes building data from sensors, automation systems, meters, and other smart devices to provide useful building insights.  The software is cloud-based software enabling integration to multiple buildings, systems, and types of equipment.  Using Haystacks semantic tagging schema, SkySpark normalizes your buildings data by standardizing naming conventions across different control systems and equipment types – allowing you to maximize your building data.  SkySpark’s built-in and fully customizable applications provide the most advanced data analysis available in the market, advancing your buildings smart technology.


SkySpark insights help facility managers, building owners, and business managers identify trends, issues, faults, correlations and opportunities for cost reduction or building improvements.

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Monitoring-Based Commissioning

Monitoring-based commissioning (MBCx) is a way to maintain and continuously improve building performance over time. MBCx can reduce building energy waste up to 15%, improve occupant comfort, and extend mechanical equipment life, by identifying and implementing low-cost operational improvements. Moreover, MBCx offers a multitude of additional benefits, including enhanced indoor air quality, bolstered safety measures, and heightened reliability of building systems. By meticulously collecting and analyzing building data, MBCx programs provide continuous insights and recommendations to optimize system and equipment operation, ensuring sustained efficiency and performance enhancements.


GMC Cx uses Skyspark for Monitoring-Based Commissioning (MBCx) in compliance with LEED v4 Enhanced Commissioning, Option 1 Path 2 (worth 1 Point towards LEED Certification), to assist the facilities team with ongoing commissioning, fault detection and diagnostics, and building energy analytics for ongoing performance verification.  GMC Cx can assist with specifications and scope development, development of the MBCx Plan, and functional performance testing to verify the installed functioning properly.

Ongoing Commissioning

Ongoing Commissioning (OCx) provides the means and process to optimize and sustain building performance on an ongoing basis through investigating, analyzing, and monitoring the performance of building systems. Ongoing commissioning, also known as continuous commissioning or recommissioning, is a dynamic process aimed at optimizing the performance and efficiency of building systems over time. Unlike traditional commissioning, which occurs primarily during the initial construction or renovation phase, ongoing commissioning involves regular monitoring, analysis, and adjustment of building systems to maintain peak performance levels. It encompasses tasks such as data collection, trend analysis, system diagnostics, and performance optimization to identify and address issues proactively, ensuring that buildings operate at their highest efficiency and occupant comfort levels. By incorporating ongoing commissioning into facility management practices, organizations can extend the lifespan of their assets, reduce energy consumption, and minimize operational costs while maintaining a healthy and productive indoor environment for occupants.


click the link below To download a full brochure

Transform Your Building's Potential

With SkySpark and MBCx, your building can reach new heights of efficiency, comfort, and sustainability. By harnessing the power of data-driven insights and advanced analytics, GMC Commissioning empowers you to optimize your building's performance, reduce operating expenses, and enhance occupant satisfaction. Experience the transformative impact of SkySpark and MBCx on your organization today.

Where We Work

  • Mission Critical Data Centers

  • Telecommunications

  • Laboratories

  • Pharmaceutical

  • Manufacturing

  • Healthcare & OSHPD

  • Hospitality & Gaming

  • Office – Low and High Rise

  • Mixed-Use Facilities

  • High-rise Residential

  • Institutional

  • Government Facilities


  • Retro-Commissioning

  • Re-Commissioning

  • Energy Audits

  • Site Assessments

  • Due Diligence

  • Continuous Commissioning

Systems We Commission

  • Mechanical

  • Electrical / Emergency Power

  • Low Voltage

  • Lighting and Lighting Controls

  • Plumbing

  • Process and Utilities

  • Controls & Automation

  • Building Enclosures and Assemblies

  • Renewable Energy and Water


  • Operational Reviews

  • Updated O&Ms

  • DOE Audits

  • ASHRAE Level 1 Audit

  • ASHRAE Level 2 Audit

  • ASHRAE Level 3 Audit

  • M&V

  • LCCA

  • End of Life Estimates

  • Repair/Replace Analysis



monitoring based commissioning

The MBCx process has been shown to reduce energy waste by 30%. The benefits of MBCx include transparency, increased energy efficiency and more precise operation by ensuring the building meets or exceeds its planned utility consumption. 

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